Voice Directed Pallet Putaway (Navigator Voice 2013)

Following a receipt, goods are placed onto pallets in a staging area. As each pallet is wrapped, it can be transferred into a bulk location using the voice system.





Voice Putaway (Navigator Voice 2013)

Navigator Voice includes a module to assist in the process of moving stock from mixed pallets to the correct picking location for each item.


Please note: Your system will likely have been customised and may differ slightly from this process. Certain prompts may have been added to assist in workflows specific to your company, or removed to streamline the process.


Voice System Conversation


Navigator: Function?
User: 3
Navigator: Directed putaway, correct?
User: yes
The user should sign on to their voice terminal, and select function 3 to commence the directed putaway process.
Navigator: Container number?
User: 12345, ready
The user speaks or scans a container / pallet reference. Navigator confirms that the pallet number is valid, and downloads a list of put away instructions relevant for the items on the pallet.

  • If the container reference number is invalid, or the pallet no longer exists in Navigator, the user is told "Container code was not found". To continue, say 'ready' and speak a new container number.
  • If the container is valid, but there are no items listed against the pallet, or none of the items have a valid pick location, the user is told "There are no items to be put away on this container. To start a new container, say ready." To continue, say 'ready' and speak a new container number.
  • If you say "sign off" at this prompt, the system will return you to the login prompt.
  • If you say "cancel" at this prompt, the system will return you to the main menu.
Navigator: 10 instructions remain, to start, say ready.

Navigator provides multiple methods of moving stock. Depending on your environment, you may choose to use one or all of these methods depending on the stock line.


  • Say 'description' if you would like to hear a list of all of the items on the pallet. Navigator will say the name of each item remaining on the pallet - if you hear the item you are searching for, say 'yes', otherwise say 'no' to listen to the next description.
  • Say 'product code' if you would like to put away by "product ID". You can use this option if items are labelled with Navigator's PID field at receipt time. Speak the PID printed on the item's label to be directed to the pick location for the item.
  • Scan a product barcode if you would like to select a specific item. Navigator will direct you to the pick location for the matching item.
  • Say 'ready'. Navigator will direct you to the picking location for the next item on the pallet.
Navigator: Aisle 21, Bay 4.
User: ready
Navigator: Level 2, Position 1.

Navigator directs the operator to the picking location for the item.

Navigator: Location check digit?

User: 124

To prove that items are being placed into the correct location, the user must speak the correct location check digit for the bin. If the check digit spoken is invalid, the user should say 'location' to hear the correct bin, and re-confirm the correct check digit.
Navigator: Item 9921, check digit?
User: 133

If the operator is being directed item at a time (ie, they did not scan a product, search by description, or speak a product "ID"), then Navigator will tell the operator which product "ID" is required for the bin they to which they were directed. The product ID is printed on a label on the product, along with a check digit, which must be confirmed to ensure that the correct item is being put away.

Navigator: Put away 25.
User: 25, ready

The operator is told how many items they need to place into the pick location and respond by confirming the quantity they were able to put away.


  • If the quantity transferred is higher than the amount available on the pallet, the user hears "Too many items placed. Asked for 25, you said 26. To try again, say ready."
  • It is possible to transfer fewer items than are stored on the pallet (for example, if there is insufficient space in the picking location). In this case, the remainder will be left on the pallet/container.


As soon as the quantity is entered, Navigator transfers stock from the or pallet to the picking location. If there was an open replenishment task for the location, this task is automatically closed.


Navigator: Pallet is now empty. Destroy the label. To continue, say ready.
User: ready.
When the last item on the pallet is removed, Navigator removes the pallet record and alerts the user that the barcode is now invalid.  
Navigator: Putaway complete. For next pallet, say ready.
User: ready.
To put away another pallet, say 'ready' to speak the next pallet (or to sign off).